The warehouse keeper is responsible for the quarantine and storage of the non-conforming products. 由仓管员负责进行不合品的隔离和保管。
The warehouse keeper checks up the quantity in the slings according to the numbered tally tickets. 内理根据记有数量的理货小票检查关内数量。
Undoubtedly, the cargo is not allowed to ship on board without passing four parties, namely, the shipper, the customs officer, the warehouse keeper and tallyman. 毫无疑问没有经过四个方面即:发货人,海关,仓库员和理货员的检查货物是不允许被上。
From material choose and buy, producing, packing, transportation, etc, should be watched well, finally go into warehouse after inspectors and warehouse keeper check. 从材料的选购、加工、包装、运输等方面,层层把好关,最后到工地经质检员和库管员验收入库。
Warehouse keeper shall be approved by the quality of training qualified, certified. 库管员应经素质培训合格,持证上岗。
License for Dangerous Chemical Warehouse Keeper, Electrician and Welder, etc. 危险化学品仓库管理员证,电工证及焊接工等。
Bookkeeper responsible for ABIS warehouse management transaction operation; warehouse keeper is responsible for the cash physical custody. 记账员负责ABIS中库房管理类交易的操作;管库员负责库存现金实物的保管。
The warehouse keeper shall not concurrently hold the position of the treasury cash account, each job duties, restrict each other. 管库员不得兼任库房现金业务记账员,各岗位各司其职,互相制约。